This in the article  Bukhara of the emirs their palaces​ is located instead of Initially  In Kogon the palace Bukhara of the city inside construction in the eye but that of Bukhara to the eye appeared religious scholars to this strictly resistance they showed about , of this the reason is religious scholars strangers To Bukhara entrances obstruction they do From this after the palace 12 km east of Bukhara in the section " New Bukhara ", later Call it Kogon started in the town construction about the only one stop that they agreed about data statement done.​

  • O'qishlar soni 75
  • Nashr sanasi 04-05-2024
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar12

This in the article  Bukhara of the emirs their palaces​ is located instead of Initially  In Kogon the palace Bukhara of the city inside construction in the eye but that of Bukhara to the eye appeared religious scholars to this strictly resistance they showed about , of this the reason is religious scholars strangers To Bukhara entrances obstruction they do From this after the palace 12 km east of Bukhara in the section " New Bukhara ", later Call it Kogon started in the town construction about the only one stop that they agreed about data statement done.​


Bu maqolada Buxoro amirlarining saroylari oʻrniga dastlab Kogonda saroy Buxoro shahar ichidagi qurilish koʻzda, Buxoroniki koʻz oʻngida diniy ulamolar paydo boʻlgan, ular bu borada qattiq qarshilik koʻrsatganlar, shu sababli. din ulamolari musofirlardir Buxoroga kirish yo'llarida to'siqlar qiladilar Bundan saroydan keyin Buxorodan 12 km sharqda "Yangi Buxoro" bo'limida, keyinchalik uni Kogon deb ataydigan shaharchada birgina bekat to'g'risida qurilish boshlangan, ular ma'lumotlar bayonnomasi bajarilgani haqida kelishib olishgan.


Это в статье Бухара эмиров, их дворцы расположены вместо Первоначально в Когоне дворец Бухары города внутри постройки на глазах, но Бухара на первый взгляд показалась религиоведам этому строгому сопротивлению, о котором они оказывали, в этом причина Религиоведы незнакомцы В Бухару препятствия на входе они делают Отсюда после дворца в 12 км к востоку от Бухары на участке «Новая Бухара», позже назовем его Когоном, в городе началось строительство около единственной остановки, о которой они договорились о данных, сделанных.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Toshpolatova S.S. teacher Asia International University
Havola nomi
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