This article attempts to shed light on the general idea of Islamic FinTech and how concerning it is for the current Islamic financial ecosystem's evolution. Additionally, the main goal of this paper is to emphasize the beneficial effects of Islamic FinTech on social inclusion, particularly for people in isolated and underprivileged places. It gives examples of how Islamic FinTech has aided financial literacy, boosted the economy in underdeveloped areas, and empowered people and small companies.

  • O'qishlar soni 82
  • Nashr sanasi 31-10-2023
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar26-32

Ushbu maqolada Islomiy moliyaviy texnologiyaning umumiy g'oyasi va uning hozirgi Islomiy moliyaviy ekotizim evolyutsiyasi uchun qanday aloqasi borligi tasvirlangan. Bundan tashqari, ushbu maqolaning asosiy maqsadi Islomiy moliyaviy texnologiyaning ijtimoiy inklyuziyaga, xususan, rivojlanagn dunyodadan ajralib qolgan va kam ta'minlangan odamlar uchun manfaatini ta'kidlashdir. Unda Islomiy moliyaviy texnologiyalarning moliyaviy savodxonlikka qanday yordam bergani, rivojlanmagan hududlarda iqtisodiyotni kuchaytirgani, odamlar va kichik kompaniyalarning imkoniyatlarini kengaytirgani haqida misollar keltirilgan.


В этой статье описывается общая идея исламского финтеха и то, насколько он важен для эволюции текущей исламской финансовой экосистемы. Кроме того, основная цель этой статьи - подчеркнуть благотворное влияние исламского финтеха на социальную интеграцию, особенно для людей, живущих в изолированных и обездоленных местах. В нем приводятся примеры того, как исламский финтех способствовал повышению финансовой грамотности, стимулировал экономику в слаборазвитых регионах и расширил возможности людей и небольших компаний.


This article attempts to shed light on the general idea of Islamic FinTech and how concerning it is for the current Islamic financial ecosystem's evolution. Additionally, the main goal of this paper is to emphasize the beneficial effects of Islamic FinTech on social inclusion, particularly for people in isolated and underprivileged places. It gives examples of how Islamic FinTech has aided financial literacy, boosted the economy in underdeveloped areas, and empowered people and small companies.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Kurbonova M.M. -- O'zbekiston xalqaro islom akademiyasi
Havola nomi
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