Gastronomy tourism, celebrated for its potential to showcase local culinary traditions and cultural diversity, faces a range of challenges that threaten its authenticity and sustainability. This article explores the multifaceted problems plaguing gastronomy tourism in Surkhandarya, ranging from overcommercialization and cultural appropriation to environmental sustainability concerns and economic disparities. Seasonality, supply chain issues, inadequate infrastructure, health and safety risks, and social impacts further compound these challenges. Nevertheless, there is a path forward, and this article offers a set of recommendations to address these issues and promote sustainable and responsible gastronomy tourism. By embracing these recommendations, the gastronomy tourism industry can not only overcome its problems but also thrive while preserving cultural heritage and benefiting local communities

  • O'qishlar soni 41
  • Nashr sanasi 30-11-2023
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar181-185

Mahalliy oshpazlik an'analari va madaniy xilma-xilligini namoyish etish salohiyati bilan mashhur bo'lgan gastronomiya turizmi uning haqiqiyligi va barqarorligiga tahdid soladigan qator muammolarga duch keladi. Ushbu maqolada Surxondaryoda gastronomiya turizmi bilan bog'liq ko'p qirrali muammolar ko'rib chiqiladi, ular haddan tashqari tijoratlashtirish va madaniy o'zlashtirishdan tortib, ekologik barqarorlik muammolari va iqtisodiy nomutanosibliklarga qadar muammolarni qamrab oladi. Mavsumiylik, ta'minot zanjiri muammolari, infratuzilmaning etarli emasligi, sog'liq va xavfsizlik xavfi va ijtimoiy ta'sirlar bu muammolarni yanada kuchaytiradi. Shunga qaramay, oldinga yo'l bor va ushbu maqola ushbu muammolarni hal qilish va barqaror va mas'uliyatli gastronomiya turizmini rivojlantirish bo'yicha tavsiyalar to'plamini taqdim etadi. Ushbu tavsiyalarni qabul qilish orqali gastronomiya turizmi sanoati nafaqat muammolarini yengibgina qolmay, balki madaniy merosni asrab-avaylash va mahalliy hamjamiyatlarga foyda keltirish bilan birga ravnaq topishi mumkin


Гастрономический туризм, известный своим потенциалом демонстрации местных кулинарных традиций и культурного разнообразия, сталкивается с рядом проблем, которые ставят под угрозу его аутентичность и устойчивость. В этой статье исследуются многогранные проблемы, с которыми сталкивается гастрономический туризм в Сурхандарьинской области: от чрезмерной коммерциализации и культурного присвоения до проблем экологической устойчивости и экономического неравенства. Сезонность, проблемы с цепочками поставок, неадекватная инфраструктура, риски для здоровья и безопасности, а также социальные последствия еще больше усугубляют эти проблемы. Тем не менее, есть перспективы развития, и в этой статье предлагается ряд рекомендаций по решению этих проблем и продвижению устойчивого и ответственного гастрономического туризма. Приняв эти рекомендации, индустрия гастрономического туризма сможет не только преодолеть свои проблемы, но и процветать, сохраняя культурное наследие и принося пользу местным сообществам.


Gastronomy tourism, celebrated for its potential to showcase local culinary traditions and cultural diversity, faces a range of challenges that threaten its authenticity and sustainability. This article explores the multifaceted problems plaguing gastronomy tourism in Surkhandarya, ranging from overcommercialization and cultural appropriation to environmental sustainability concerns and economic disparities. Seasonality, supply chain issues, inadequate infrastructure, health and safety risks, and social impacts further compound these challenges. Nevertheless, there is a path forward, and this article offers a set of recommendations to address these issues and promote sustainable and responsible gastronomy tourism. By embracing these recommendations, the gastronomy tourism industry can not only overcome its problems but also thrive while preserving cultural heritage and benefiting local communities

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Zoirova S.T. -- Termiz davlat universiteti
Havola nomi
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