. This article examines the escalating importance of natural factors in sustainable development, spotlighted by the adverse consequences of historical exploitative environmental practices. These practices have generated a colossal ecological and social debt, manifesting as severe environmental crises that undermine global stability. A paradigm shift towards sustainable development is imperative for fostering security, equality, and harmony between human societies and the biosphere. Sustainable development, though conceptually elusive, fundamentally aims to redefine the interaction between human civilization and the natural environment for enduring coexistence.
. This article examines the escalating importance of natural factors in sustainable development, spotlighted by the adverse consequences of historical exploitative environmental practices. These practices have generated a colossal ecological and social debt, manifesting as severe environmental crises that undermine global stability. A paradigm shift towards sustainable development is imperative for fostering security, equality, and harmony between human societies and the biosphere. Sustainable development, though conceptually elusive, fundamentally aims to redefine the interaction between human civilization and the natural environment for enduring coexistence.
Ushbu maqolada barqaror rivojlanishda tabiiy omillarning ortib borayotgan ahamiyati ko'rib chiqiladi, tarixiy ekspluatatsion ekologik amaliyotlarning salbiy oqibatlariga e'tibor qaratiladi. Ushbu amaliyotlar global barqarorlikka putur yetkazadigan og'ir ekologik inqirozlar sifatida namoyon bo'ladigan ulkan ekologik va ijtimoiy qarzni keltirib chiqardi. Barqaror rivojlanish sari paradigmaga oʻtish insoniyat jamiyatlari va biosfera oʻrtasidagi xavfsizlik, tenglik va uygʻunlikni mustahkamlash uchun zarurdir. Barqaror rivojlanish, garchi kontseptual jihatdan qiyin bo'lsa-da, inson tsivilizatsiyasi va birgalikda yashash uchun tabiiy muhit o'rtasidagi o'zaro ta'sirni qayta aniqlashga qaratilgan.
В этой статье рассматривается растущая важность природных факторов в устойчивом развитии, подчеркнутая неблагоприятными последствиями исторической эксплуатации окружающей среды. Эта практика породила колоссальный экологический и социальный долг, который проявляется в виде серьезных экологических кризисов, которые подрывают глобальную стабильность. Смена парадигмы в сторону устойчивого развития необходима для укрепления безопасности, равенства и гармонии между человеческими обществами и биосферой. Устойчивое развитие, хотя и концептуально неуловимое, по своей сути направлено на переосмысление взаимодействия между человеческой цивилизацией и природной средой для обеспечения устойчивого сосуществования.
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1 | Raxmatova . . | -- | Yangi O‘zbekiston universiteti Toshkent xalqaro Vestminster universiteti |
№ | Havola nomi |
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