Speech culture is one of the young areas of Uzbek linguistics. It was formed as an independent department of this science under the influence of fundamental social changes that occurred in our country. Speech culture is a social phenomenon that develops in close connection with the development of society, science and technology, cultural and literary life. As a person’s cultural level increases, his speech is polished and polished, improving in accordance with the rules and norms of speech culture. Art, literature, radio, television and the Internet occupy a special place in the formation and development of speech culture. The fields of discourse science, psycholinguistics, and paralinguistics, in particular the rules of interpretation, spelling and pronunciation, are of great importance in the development of speech culture.
This scientific article contains opinions on speech culture and its attractiveness, linguistic and neuropsycholinguistic features, factors in the formation of speech culture.

  • O'qishlar soni 76
  • Nashr sanasi 30-05-2024
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar171-178

Speech culture is one of the young areas of Uzbek linguistics. It was formed as an independent department of this science under the influence of fundamental social changes that occurred in our country. Speech culture is a social phenomenon that develops in close connection with the development of society, science and technology, cultural and literary life. As a person’s cultural level increases, his speech is polished and polished, improving in accordance with the rules and norms of speech culture. Art, literature, radio, television and the Internet occupy a special place in the formation and development of speech culture. The fields of discourse science, psycholinguistics, and paralinguistics, in particular the rules of interpretation, spelling and pronunciation, are of great importance in the development of speech culture.
This scientific article contains opinions on speech culture and its attractiveness, linguistic and neuropsycholinguistic features, factors in the formation of speech culture.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Bobokalonov R.R. Professor Bukhara State University
2 Ochilova Y.R. Master Bukhara State University
Havola nomi
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