Linguistic research in recent decades has been characterized by great attention to the plan of language functioning. Of particular relevance is the complex of problems related to the functional aspect of linguistic phenomena, in particular, to various forms of recategorization of linguistic units in acts of communication, usually denoted by the term transposition. In the process of the historical development of language, linguistic phenomena are in constant motion and pass into each other. The transitivity of linguistic phenomena is the result of various processes occurring at different levels of the language. With regard to transitivity in the language, terms such as transposition, translation, derivation, transformation, conversion, substitution, transition and transitivity are often used..
Linguistic research in recent decades has been characterized by great attention to the plan of language functioning. Of particular relevance is the complex of problems related to the functional aspect of linguistic phenomena, in particular, to various forms of recategorization of linguistic units in acts of communication, usually denoted by the term transposition. In the process of the historical development of language, linguistic phenomena are in constant motion and pass into each other. The transitivity of linguistic phenomena is the result of various processes occurring at different levels of the language. With regard to transitivity in the language, terms such as transposition, translation, derivation, transformation, conversion, substitution, transition and transitivity are often used..
Лингвистические исследования последних десятилетий характеризуются большим вниманием к плану функционирования языка. Особую актуальность представляет комплекс проблем, связанных с функциональной стороной языковых явлений, в частности с различными формами рекатегоризации языковых единиц в актах общения, обычно обозначаемых термином транспозиция. В процессе исторического развития языка языковые явления находятся в постоянном движении и переходят друг в друга. Транзитивность языковых явлений является результатом различных процессов, происходящих на разных уровнях языка. Что касается транзитивности в языке, то часто используются такие термины, как транспозиция, перевод, деривация, трансформация, конверсия, замещение, переход и транзитивность.
So’nggi o’n yilliklardagi lingvistik tadqiqotlar tilning ishlash rejasiga katta e'tibor berish bilan tavsiflanadi. Til hodisalarining funktsional jihati bilan bog'liq muammolar majmuasi, xususan, aloqa aktlarida til birliklarini qayta tasniflashning turli shakllari bilan bog'liq muammolar majmuasi alohida ahamiyatga ega, odatda transpozitsiya atamasi bilan belgilanadi. Tilning tarixiy taraqqiyoti jarayonida til hodisalari doimiy harakatda bo‘lib, bir-biriga o‘tib boradi. Til hodisalarining tranzitivligi tilning turli darajalarida sodir bo'ladigan turli jarayonlarning natijasidir. Tildagi tranzitivlikka kelsak, ko'pincha transpozitsiya, tarjima, derivatsiya, transformatsiya, konvertatsiya, almashtirish, o'tish va o'tish kabi atamalar qo'llaniladi.
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Sultanova M.N. | Assistant professor | Tashkent State Technical University |
№ | Havola nomi |
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3 | 3. Superanskaya A.V., Podolskaya N.V., Vasil'eva N.V. General terminology: questions of theory. M.: Book house "LIBROKOM", 2012. 248 p. |
4 | 4. Gak, V. G. Transposition / V. G. Gak // Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary / editor-in-chief V. N. Yartseva. - M., 2002. - р. 519. |
5 | 5. Tenier, L. Fundamentals of structural syntax / L. Tenier. - M., 1988. - р. 378. |