The article deals with the problem of relying on the native language. The transition from one language to another, from a psychological point of view, is in the most general case a change in the rules of transition from a program to its implementation. This transition cannot, of course, be carried out immediately in a fundamental way, that is, by simultaneously and simultaneously switching old rules to new ones. A person is not able to immediately speak a foreign language. He must go through the stage of indirect foreign language proficiency. The intermediary link is a system of rules for the implementation of the program, acting in the native language. In the future, this system of rules is increasingly reduced.

  • O'qishlar soni 59
  • Nashr sanasi 30-05-2024
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar258-264

The article deals with the problem of relying on the native language. The transition from one language to another, from a psychological point of view, is in the most general case a change in the rules of transition from a program to its implementation. This transition cannot, of course, be carried out immediately in a fundamental way, that is, by simultaneously and simultaneously switching old rules to new ones. A person is not able to immediately speak a foreign language. He must go through the stage of indirect foreign language proficiency. The intermediary link is a system of rules for the implementation of the program, acting in the native language. In the future, this system of rules is increasingly reduced.


В статье рассматривается проблема опоры на родной язык. Переход с одного языка на другой с психологической точки зрения представляет собой в самом общем случае изменение правил перехода от программы к ее реализации. Этот переход, конечно, не может быть осуществлен сразу принципиальным путем, т. е. путем одновременной и одновременной замены старых правил на новые. Человек не способен сразу заговорить на иностранном языке. Он должен пройти этап косвенного владения иностранным языком. Промежуточное звено — это система правил реализации программы, действующая на родном языке. В дальнейшем эта система правил все больше сокращается.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Pidaeva S.B. Senior teacher National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek
Havola nomi
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2 2. Shpet G.G. Psychology of social being. - M.; Voronezh: Institute of Practical Psychology, 1996.