The article examines the cultural and educational environment of Khorezm during the period of socialist ideology. The contradiction between the methodology of culture and its development are presented.

  • O'qishlar soni 26
  • Nashr sanasi 15-04-2024
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar85-88

The article examines the cultural and educational environment of Khorezm during the period of socialist ideology. The contradiction between the methodology of culture and its development are presented.

Havola nomi
1 Beregin Q. Tasks of cultural construction.// The sun of the revolution. 1929. No. 4. Beregin Q. Results of liquidation of farms without milk in Khorezm Oktugu. - Samarkand: Tashkent, 1930. Makhmudov M. Living figures. Films about victims of repression. -Tashkent: Uzbekistan, 1991. Akhrorova Kh. I am not a nationalist. // People's Word, March 23, 2002. F.R-34.-TASSR People's Commissariat of Education in UzRM. F.R-86. Central Executive Committee of the Uzbek SSR. F.R-71.-Central Executive Committee of the USSR. In UzRM F.R-74.- Ministry of Land. UzRMDA F.R-94.- Commissariat of Education of the Uzbek SSR. Khorezm Region State Archive. F.9.9.-Khorazm department of public education. Khorezm Region State Archive. F.249.-Khorazm Oblast Department of Culture.