Creativity is considered as a person's creative professional activity, constructive, non-standard thinking and behavior ability, as well as the ability to understand and develop their experience.The technology for developing teachers' creative competence is aimed at developing systematic thinking and creative abilities. This article talks about the scientific-theoretical foundations and pedagogical technologies of creativity development among teachers
Creativity is considered as a person's creative professional activity, constructive, non-standard thinking and behavior ability, as well as the ability to understand and develop their experience.The technology for developing teachers' creative competence is aimed at developing systematic thinking and creative abilities. This article talks about the scientific-theoretical foundations and pedagogical technologies of creativity development among teachers
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Goibnazarov A.A. | Teacher | Gulistan Presidential school |
2 | Oʻrozov . . | Teacher | Gulistan Presidential school |
3 | Chutanov . . | Teacher | Gulistan Presidential school |
4 | Savronov D. . | Teacher | Gulistan Presidential school |
№ | Havola nomi |
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