Visual impairment is one of the most common diseases in the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), myopia has spread to 1.6 billion people in recent years and is predicted to reach 5 billion by 2050. Carrying out a number of studies in case of dysfunction of a particular organ allows us to determine changes in special topographic areas of the musculoskeletal system against the background of diseases. Craniometry is considered one of the important sections of anthropometry, and the determination of anatomical changes in craniometric parameters is of great importance for theoretical and practical medicine. Today, craniometric studies are actively used in scientific research in otorhinolaryngology, neurology, dentistry and ophthalmology and help find reasonable solutions to the problems of these areas. One of these tasks is to find a solution for studying the formation of the eyeball with varying degrees of severity of myopia, which is the most common refractiveVisual impairment is one of the most common diseases in the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), myopia has spread to 1.6 billion people in recent years and is predicted to reach 5 billion by 2050. Carrying out a number of studies in case of dysfunction of a particularorgan allows us to determine changes in special topographic areas of the musculoskeletal system against the background of diseases. Craniometry is considered one of the important sections of anthropometry, and the determination of anatomical changes in craniometric parameters is of great importance for theoretical and practical medicine. Today, craniometric studies are actively used in scientific research in otorhinolaryngology, neurology, dentistry and ophthalmology and help find reasonable solutions to the problems of these areas

  • O'qishlar soni 27
  • Nashr sanasi 05-07-2024
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar104-109

Visual impairment is one of the most common diseases in the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), myopia has spread to 1.6 billion people in recent years and is predicted to reach 5 billion by 2050. Carrying out a number of studies in case of dysfunction of a particular organ allows us to determine changes in special topographic areas of the musculoskeletal system against the background of diseases. Craniometry is considered one of the important sections of anthropometry, and the determination of anatomical changes in craniometric parameters is of great importance for theoretical and practical medicine. Today, craniometric studies are actively used in scientific research in otorhinolaryngology, neurology, dentistry and ophthalmology and help find reasonable solutions to the problems of these areas. One of these tasks is to find a solution for studying the formation of the eyeball with varying degrees of severity of myopia, which is the most common refractiveVisual impairment is one of the most common diseases in the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), myopia has spread to 1.6 billion people in recent years and is predicted to reach 5 billion by 2050. Carrying out a number of studies in case of dysfunction of a particularorgan allows us to determine changes in special topographic areas of the musculoskeletal system against the background of diseases. Craniometry is considered one of the important sections of anthropometry, and the determination of anatomical changes in craniometric parameters is of great importance for theoretical and practical medicine. Today, craniometric studies are actively used in scientific research in otorhinolaryngology, neurology, dentistry and ophthalmology and help find reasonable solutions to the problems of these areas

Havola nomi
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