The article provides detailed reviews and analyzes of the perspective of artificial intelligence in Uzbekistan. The importance of artificial intelligence in the development of firms, companies, as well as in the fields of medicine, agriculture has been need by process of digitalization. Also, the demographic changes of the Republic of Uzbekistan were analyzed and forecast indicators for 2024-2030 were developed. Based on these forecast indicators, it was determined that by 2030, the demand of the population of the Republic for meat and dairy products will increase by 19.2%, and for milk products by 16.3%. To meet this demand, suggestions and recommendations have been developed for the automation of livestock complexes based on digital technologies, the use of robotic CR-1 and MR-S2 remote-controlled digital technologies for increasing the milk yield of dairy cows.
The article provides detailed reviews and analyzes of the perspective of artificial intelligence in Uzbekistan. The importance of artificial intelligence in the development of firms, companies, as well as in the fields of medicine, agriculture has been need by process of digitalization. Also, the demographic changes of the Republic of Uzbekistan were analyzed and forecast indicators for 2024-2030 were developed. Based on these forecast indicators, it was determined that by 2030, the demand of the population of the Republic for meat and dairy products will increase by 19.2%, and for milk products by 16.3%. To meet this demand, suggestions and recommendations have been developed for the automation of livestock complexes based on digital technologies, the use of robotic CR-1 and MR-S2 remote-controlled digital technologies for increasing the milk yield of dairy cows.
Ushbu maqolada, O‘zbekistonda sun’iy intellekt istiqbollari haqida batafsil sharh va tahlillar berilgan. Sun'iy intellektning firmalar, kompaniyalar, shuningdek, tibbiyot, qishloq xo'jaligi sohalarini rivojlantirishdagi ahamiyati raqamlashtirish jarayonida zarur bo'ldi. Shuningdek, O‘zbekiston Respublikasidagi demografik o‘zgarishlar tahlil qilinib, 2024-2030 yillarga mo‘ljallangan prognoz ko‘rsatkichlari ishlab chiqildi. Ushbu prognoz ko‘rsatkichlaridan kelib chiqib, 2030-yilga borib respublika aholisining go‘sht va sut mahsulotlariga bo‘lgan talabi 19,2 foizga, sut mahsulotlariga bo‘lgan talab 16,3 foizga oshishi aniqlandi. Bu talabni qondirish maqsadida chorvachilik komplekslarini raqamli texnologiyalar asosida avtomatlashtirish, sog‘in sigirlarning sut mahsuldorligini oshirish uchun robotlashtirilgan CR-1 va MR-S2 masofadan boshqariladigan raqamli texnologiyalardan foydalanish bo‘yicha taklif va tavsiyalar ishlab chiqildi
В статье даются подробные обзоры и анализы перспектив искусственного интеллекта в Узбекистане. Значимость искусственного интеллекта в развитии фирм, компаний, а также в сферах медицины, сельского хозяйства обусловлена процессом цифровизации. Также были проанализированы демографические изменения Республики Узбекистан и разработаны прогнозные показатели на 2024-2030 годы. На основе данных прогнозных показателей определено, что к 2030 году спрос населения республики на мясомолочную продукцию увеличится на 19,2%, а на молочную продукцию на 16,3%. Для удовлетворения этого спроса разработаны предложения и рекомендации по автоматизации животноводческих комплексов на основе цифровых технологий, использованию роботизированных цифровых технологий CR-1 и MR-S2 с дистанционным управлением для повышения надоев дойных коров.
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