In this article, the introduction of intelligent control of the state of parameters in digital power grids. When new realities arise in our lives, the first thing we do is agree on names and terminology. It is impossible to have a discussion if its participants understand different processes under the same names or the same subjects of discussion have different conceptual names. This is especially true for new areas of activity that have arisen in the process of developing well-established practices with generally accepted terminology. It is the novelty of such a direction of development of society as digitalization that causes the blurring of the boundaries between the terms "Automation" and "Digitalization". With all the increased interest in the digital transformation of the electric power industry, the main attention should be paid to the introduction of new progressive technologies in energy production and the improvement of electric and thermal energy markets. Currently, the electricity (capacity) market is mainly used to collect financial resources from industrial consumers, replacing budgetary funds. The electricity tariff of the wholesale market is at least half formed by non-market methods. Everything else is non–market fees. The transition to digital energy without modernizing and improving markets is a risk of subsequent alterations with expensive costs

  • O'qishlar soni 84
  • Nashr sanasi 01-03-2024
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar30-39

In this article, the introduction of intelligent control of the state of parameters in digital power grids. When new realities arise in our lives, the first thing we do is agree on names and terminology. It is impossible to have a discussion if its participants understand different processes under the same names or the same subjects of discussion have different conceptual names. This is especially true for new areas of activity that have arisen in the process of developing well-established practices with generally accepted terminology. It is the novelty of such a direction of development of society as digitalization that causes the blurring of the boundaries between the terms "Automation" and "Digitalization". With all the increased interest in the digital transformation of the electric power industry, the main attention should be paid to the introduction of new progressive technologies in energy production and the improvement of electric and thermal energy markets. Currently, the electricity (capacity) market is mainly used to collect financial resources from industrial consumers, replacing budgetary funds. The electricity tariff of the wholesale market is at least half formed by non-market methods. Everything else is non–market fees. The transition to digital energy without modernizing and improving markets is a risk of subsequent alterations with expensive costs

Havola nomi
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