The article examines the process of development of commercial cotton growing and alfalfa growing in Karakalpakstan, the specialization of commodity production, the growth of commodity-money circulation and the emergence of fair, bazaar and stationary trade, the emergence of new shopping centers, as well as the strengthening of trade relations between the Karakalpaks and neighboring peoples in the late 19th - early 20th centuries

  • O'qishlar soni 32
  • Nashr sanasi 27-09-2024
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar43-49

The article examines the process of development of commercial cotton growing and alfalfa growing in Karakalpakstan, the specialization of commodity production, the growth of commodity-money circulation and the emergence of fair, bazaar and stationary trade, the emergence of new shopping centers, as well as the strengthening of trade relations between the Karakalpaks and neighboring peoples in the late 19th - early 20th centuries


Maqolada Qoraqalpog‘istonda tovar paxtachilik va bedachilikning rivojlanish jarayonlari, tovar ishlab chiqarishning ixtisoslashuvi, tovar-pul muomalasining o‘sishi va yarmarka, bozor va statsionar savdoning vujudga kelishi, yangi savdo markazlarining paydo bo‘lishi, shuningdek. XIX-asr oxiri — XX-asr boshlarida qoraqalpoqlar bilan qoʻshni xalqlar oʻrtasidagi             savdo aloqalarining mustahkamlanishi sifatida.


В статье рассматривается процесс развития товарного хлопководства и люцерны в Каракалпакстане, специализация товарного производства, рост товарно-денежного обращения и возникновение ярмарочной, базарной и стационарной торговли, появление новых торговых центров, а также как укрепление торговых связей каракалпаков с соседними народами в конце XIX - начале XX вв.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
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Havola nomi
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