The Silk Road is an international channel with profound historical significance. In a broad sense, the Silk Road refers to long-distance commercial trade and cultural communication routes that have been formed since ancient times and cover the Eurasian continent and even Africa. The Silk Road promoted economic and cultural communication between the East and the West, connected several major civilization circles in the world, such as East Asia, Central Asia, India, West Asia, and the Mediterranean, and had great significance in promoting progress of world civilization and human society.
Thanks to natural and historical reasons, the Silk Road, which has lasted for thousands of years, has accumulated abundant tourism resources. There are plentiful cultural sites along the Silk Road, among which historic sites in China and Uzbekistan are particularly rich. They are widely distributed and have high social and economic significance, thus becoming a precious historical legacy of modern Silk Road.
The Silk Road is an international channel with profound historical significance. In a broad sense, the Silk Road refers to long-distance commercial trade and cultural communication routes that have been formed since ancient times and cover the Eurasian continent and even Africa. The Silk Road promoted economic and cultural communication between the East and the West, connected several major civilization circles in the world, such as East Asia, Central Asia, India, West Asia, and the Mediterranean, and had great significance in promoting progress of world civilization and human society.
Thanks to natural and historical reasons, the Silk Road, which has lasted for thousands of years, has accumulated abundant tourism resources. There are plentiful cultural sites along the Silk Road, among which historic sites in China and Uzbekistan are particularly rich. They are widely distributed and have high social and economic significance, thus becoming a precious historical legacy of modern Silk Road.
Ipak yo‘li chuqur tarixiy ahamiyatga ega xalqaro koridordir. Keng ma’noda “Ipak yo‘li” deganda qadim zamonlardan beri shakllangan va Yevroosiyo qit’asi va hatto Afrikani qamrab olgan uzoq masofali savdo savdo va madaniy aloqa yo‘llari tushuniladi. Ipak yoʻli Sharq va Gʻarb oʻrtasidagi iqtisodiy va madaniy aloqalarni rivojlantirdi, Sharqiy Osiyo, Markaziy Osiyo, Hindiston, Gʻarbiy Osiyo, Oʻrta yer dengizi kabi dunyoning bir qancha yirik sivilizatsiya doiralarini bogʻladi va jahon taraqqiyotiga koʻmaklashishda katta ahamiyatga ega edi. tsivilizatsiya va insoniyat jamiyati.
Ming yillar davom etgan Ipak yoʻli tabiiy va tarixiy sabablar tufayli moʻl-koʻl turizm resurslarini toʻplagan. Ipak yoʻli boʻylab koʻplab madaniy obʼyektlar mavjud boʻlib, ular orasida Xitoy va Oʻzbekistonning tarixiy joylari ayniqsa boy. Ular keng tarqalgan va yuqori ijtimoiy va iqtisodiy ahamiyatga ega bo'lib, zamonaviy Ipak yo'lining qimmatli tarixiy merosiga aylangan.
Шелковый путь является международный маршрут, имеющий далеко идущее историческое значение. Шелковый путь в широком смысле относится к общему названию дальних маршрутов коммерческой торговли и культурного обмена, формировавшихся с древнейших времен и охватывающих Евразию и даже. Африка. Шелковый путь способствовал экономическому и культурному обмену между Востоком и Западом и соединил несколько крупных цивилизационных кругов мира, таких как Восточная Азия, Центральная Азия, Индия, Западная Азия и Средиземноморье. Мировая цивилизация и прогресс человеческого общества.
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Guilian W.. | Aspirant, o'qituvchi | O‘zbekiston Milliy universiteti, Jining Normal universiteti Tashkent, O‘zbekiston, Xitoy |
№ | Havola nomi |
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