In the work, monochloromethane was selected for heating (at high temperature) in an air-absorbed environment.Methods of selecting a binding component for a catalyst that has a low catalytic activity and retains the characteristic of selective action are shown . Experiments were carried out in a catalyst bed reactor at temperatures of 400-500°C and a volumetric rate of monochloromethane of 450-2000 h-1. In the process Mg-P-Zr-Fe/YukS-20; Mg-P-Zr-Fe/YukS-30 catalysts were used. In the Mg-P-Zr-Fe/YukS-20 sample, the conversion of monochloromethane was 66%, after 500 min, up to 42% of the monochloromethane conversion in Mg-P-Zr-Fe/YukS-20, Mg-P-Zr And in Fe/YukS-30 it decreased to 36%. Al 2 O 3 was recommended to be used as a binder component, but the introduction of a binder led to a decrease in activity. The acidic properties of ammonia were studied using the method of thermoprogrammed desorption of ammonia. The regeneration process of the deactivated catalystin the pyrolysis of monochloromethane was carried out using the method of combustion in air flow. Unreacted monochloromethane and reaction products were determined by the GSX method. In addition, the total selectivity of ∑C 2 -C 3 in Mg-P-Zr-Fe/YukS-30 is6.75 mol% higher than in Mg-P-Zr-Fe/YukS-20, and both Mg-P-Zr-Fe/ The activity of YuKS-20 and Mg-P-Zr-Fe/YukS-30 catalysts decreases to 36.8% and 36.6% after 500 min of operation, which indicates the similarity in their deactivation.The purpose of the work is to create a bond for a slightly higher catalytically active and selective catalyst, which is separately isolated for the heating process of monochloromethane in an air-absorbed, i.e., vacuum environment, by slowly increasing the temperature. consistsin choosing the constituent component

  • O'qishlar soni 4
  • Nashr sanasi 01-08-2024
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar1175-1181

In the work, monochloromethane was selected for heating (at high temperature) in an air-absorbed environment.Methods of selecting a binding component for a catalyst that has a low catalytic activity and retains the characteristic of selective action are shown . Experiments were carried out in a catalyst bed reactor at temperatures of 400-500°C and a volumetric rate of monochloromethane of 450-2000 h-1. In the process Mg-P-Zr-Fe/YukS-20; Mg-P-Zr-Fe/YukS-30 catalysts were used. In the Mg-P-Zr-Fe/YukS-20 sample, the conversion of monochloromethane was 66%, after 500 min, up to 42% of the monochloromethane conversion in Mg-P-Zr-Fe/YukS-20, Mg-P-Zr And in Fe/YukS-30 it decreased to 36%. Al 2 O 3 was recommended to be used as a binder component, but the introduction of a binder led to a decrease in activity. The acidic properties of ammonia were studied using the method of thermoprogrammed desorption of ammonia. The regeneration process of the deactivated catalystin the pyrolysis of monochloromethane was carried out using the method of combustion in air flow. Unreacted monochloromethane and reaction products were determined by the GSX method. In addition, the total selectivity of ∑C 2 -C 3 in Mg-P-Zr-Fe/YukS-30 is6.75 mol% higher than in Mg-P-Zr-Fe/YukS-20, and both Mg-P-Zr-Fe/ The activity of YuKS-20 and Mg-P-Zr-Fe/YukS-30 catalysts decreases to 36.8% and 36.6% after 500 min of operation, which indicates the similarity in their deactivation.The purpose of the work is to create a bond for a slightly higher catalytically active and selective catalyst, which is separately isolated for the heating process of monochloromethane in an air-absorbed, i.e., vacuum environment, by slowly increasing the temperature. consistsin choosing the constituent component

Havola nomi
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