The article investigates the challenges in translating sport phraseological units and terms in sport terminology. It states that phraseology has been in the centre of attention of linguists since the beginning of the 20th century. The works regarding phraseology by many linguists such as V.V.Vinogradov’s, E.D.Polivаnov’s, B.А.Lаrin’s and others have been studied by the author and the methods of translating phraseological units suggested by J.P.Vinаy, J.Dаrbelnet, K.Musаev, G. Sаlomov and N.Christiаn have been thoroughly considered. We mention influences of English sport phraseological units and terms in Uzbek sport terminology. They are mainly considered to be the product of sport commentators’ intelligence. We also write about the importance of the context while translating phraseological units. He claims that depending on the context the translation of the same phraseological units may differ. The author also explains the differences between sport phrases and terms using various sport matches. We come to the conclusion that the above-mentioned methods are very important while translating phraseological units. The importance of phraseological units, namely sport phrases and terms in the communication process relating to sport terminology has been stated in the article as well

  • O'qishlar soni 4
  • Nashr sanasi 01-08-2024
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar 21-25

The article investigates the challenges in translating sport phraseological units and terms in sport terminology. It states that phraseology has been in the centre of attention of linguists since the beginning of the 20th century. The works regarding phraseology by many linguists such as V.V.Vinogradov’s, E.D.Polivаnov’s, B.А.Lаrin’s and others have been studied by the author and the methods of translating phraseological units suggested by J.P.Vinаy, J.Dаrbelnet, K.Musаev, G. Sаlomov and N.Christiаn have been thoroughly considered. We mention influences of English sport phraseological units and terms in Uzbek sport terminology. They are mainly considered to be the product of sport commentators’ intelligence. We also write about the importance of the context while translating phraseological units. He claims that depending on the context the translation of the same phraseological units may differ. The author also explains the differences between sport phrases and terms using various sport matches. We come to the conclusion that the above-mentioned methods are very important while translating phraseological units. The importance of phraseological units, namely sport phrases and terms in the communication process relating to sport terminology has been stated in the article as well

Havola nomi
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