This research analyzes the stylistic-evaluative functions of conditional sentences in English. In particular, we analyze the functions of conditional sentences in English on the material of literary texts. The corpus data for our analysis are literary works of English writers. The research materials are conditional sentences of the literary texts in English. The procedure of analysis goes through the following stages: linguistic and extralinguistic context consideration, sample analysis, interpretation, functional analysis. The results of our study show that conditional sentences in English literary texts are used to evaluate people (psychological, physical, intellectual qualities), things (physical, economic qualities) and phenomenon (environmental features) both positively and negatively

  • O'qishlar soni 5
  • Nashr sanasi 01-08-2024
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar138-141

This research analyzes the stylistic-evaluative functions of conditional sentences in English. In particular, we analyze the functions of conditional sentences in English on the material of literary texts. The corpus data for our analysis are literary works of English writers. The research materials are conditional sentences of the literary texts in English. The procedure of analysis goes through the following stages: linguistic and extralinguistic context consideration, sample analysis, interpretation, functional analysis. The results of our study show that conditional sentences in English literary texts are used to evaluate people (psychological, physical, intellectual qualities), things (physical, economic qualities) and phenomenon (environmental features) both positively and negatively

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