This article examines the genre-specific features of autobiographical works. The history of the formation and development of Russian autobiographical prose goes back several centuries. Against the background of the widespread dissemination of notes, diaries, and biographies in the public consciousness in the second half of the XIX century, Russian autobiographical prose flourished. This time in Russia was marked by changes in socio-political life, which contributed to the revitalization of cultural and literary life. A remarkable fact of Russian life was the increased growth of social and personal self-awareness. The reasons that prompted the creation of autobiographical and memoir literature in the second half of the 19th century were due to increased attention to the inner life of a person. Thus, the author’s personality became the object of introspection and analysis. The genre of autobiography is traditionally viewed as an attempt to study the author’s state of mind in certain life conditions of interaction and the influence of the cultural sphere and historical situation on a person’s personality. Autobiography is one of the main types of memoir literature

  • O'qishlar soni 15
  • Nashr sanasi 01-08-2024
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar272-275

This article examines the genre-specific features of autobiographical works. The history of the formation and development of Russian autobiographical prose goes back several centuries. Against the background of the widespread dissemination of notes, diaries, and biographies in the public consciousness in the second half of the XIX century, Russian autobiographical prose flourished. This time in Russia was marked by changes in socio-political life, which contributed to the revitalization of cultural and literary life. A remarkable fact of Russian life was the increased growth of social and personal self-awareness. The reasons that prompted the creation of autobiographical and memoir literature in the second half of the 19th century were due to increased attention to the inner life of a person. Thus, the author’s personality became the object of introspection and analysis. The genre of autobiography is traditionally viewed as an attempt to study the author’s state of mind in certain life conditions of interaction and the influence of the cultural sphere and historical situation on a person’s personality. Autobiography is one of the main types of memoir literature

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 YUSUpOvA N.. ! University of Tashkent for Applied Sciences,
Havola nomi
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