A review of current problems in otorhinolaryngology is made, in particular cysts of the nasal adnexa, which develop among the most complex non-purulent processes. Cysts are mainly incidental abnormalities in the diagnosis of paranasal diseases. The work presents modern data on the etiology, pathogenesis, health characteristics, methods of diagnosis and treatment of cysts of paranasal diseases using the latest scientific achievements. The developed minimally invasive methods of surgical treatment, these principles, reduce the risk of developing postoperative complications and shorten the treatment time for patients. However, despite this, the question of the advantages and principles of various methods for removing cysts of accessory teeth, which have not yet been replaced by traditional

solutions, remains controversial.

  • O'qishlar soni 70
  • Nashr sanasi 04-11-2024
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar20-34

A review of current problems in otorhinolaryngology is made, in particular cysts of the nasal adnexa, which develop among the most complex non-purulent processes. Cysts are mainly incidental abnormalities in the diagnosis of paranasal diseases. The work presents modern data on the etiology, pathogenesis, health characteristics, methods of diagnosis and treatment of cysts of paranasal diseases using the latest scientific achievements. The developed minimally invasive methods of surgical treatment, these principles, reduce the risk of developing postoperative complications and shorten the treatment time for patients. However, despite this, the question of the advantages and principles of various methods for removing cysts of accessory teeth, which have not yet been replaced by traditional

solutions, remains controversial.


Otorinolaringologiyaning dolzarb muammosi, xususan, eng keng tarqalgan yiringli bo'lmagan jarayonlardan biri hisoblangan burun yondosh bo‘shliqlarining kistalari ko'rib chiqiladi. Kistlar asosan burun yondosh bo‘shliqlarini tashxislashda tasodifiy klinik topilmalardir. Ishda burun yondosh bo‘shliqlari kistalarining etiologiyasi, patogenezi, klinik xususiyatlari, diagnostikasi va davolash usullari bo'yicha zamonaviy ma'lumotlar eng so'nggi ilmiy yutuqlardan foydalangan holda taqdim etilgan. Ushbu patologiyani jarrohlik davolashning ishlab chiqilgan minimal invaziv usullari operatsiyadan keyingi asoratlarni rivojlanish xavfini kamaytirish va bemorlarning reabilitatsiya vaqtini qisqartirish uchun mo'ljallangan. Biroq, shunga qaramay, paranasal sinuslarning kistalarini olib tashlashning turli usullarining afzalliklari va kamchiliklari  masalasi  munozarali  bo'lib

qolmoqda, bu amalda hali umumiy qabul qilingan yechimni topmagan.


Сделан обзор современных проблем оториноларингологии, в частности кист придаточных пазух носа, которые развиваются среди наиболее сложных негнойных процессов. Кисты в основном являются побочными патологиями при диагностике заболеваний околоносовых пазух. В работе представлены современные данные об этиологии, патогенезе, особенностях течения, методах диагностики и лечения кист заболеваний околоносовых пазух с использованием новейших научных достижений. Разработанные малоинвазивные методы хирургического лечения, эти принципы, снижают риск развития послеоперационных осложнений и сокращают сроки лечения пациентов. Однако, несмотря на это, вопрос о преимуществах и принципах различных методов удаления кист дополнительных зубов, которые до сих пор не вытеснены традиционными решениями, остается дискуссионным.

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