This article analyzes the applications and efficiency of synchronous motors and capacitor batteries. Synchronous motors play a significant role in increasing efficiency in converting electrical energy into mechanical energy, as they are characterized by high power factor and stability. On the other hand, capacitor batteriesare widely used in electrical networks to compensate for reactive power and stabilize voltage levels.The article compares the energy efficiency, economic aspects, and various practical applications of both technologies. The effectiveness of their use in electrical systems and their technical approaches will also be analyzed in depth.
This article analyzes the applications and efficiency of synchronous motors and capacitor batteries. Synchronous motors play a significant role in increasing efficiency in converting electrical energy into mechanical energy, as they are characterized by high power factor and stability. On the other hand, capacitor batteriesare widely used in electrical networks to compensate for reactive power and stabilize voltage levels.The article compares the energy efficiency, economic aspects, and various practical applications of both technologies. The effectiveness of their use in electrical systems and their technical approaches will also be analyzed in depth.
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Pakhratdinov A.D. | Assistant teacher | Nukus Mining Institute |
2 | Ertuganova A.A. | Student | Nukus Mining Institute |
3 | Maulenova Z.A. | Student | Nukus Mining Institute |
№ | Havola nomi |
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