This article provides a comprehensive analysis of citizens' private property rights, focusing on the sources, forms, and essential legal elements that constitute these rights. It discusses the modern dynamics of property acquisition in a market-driven economy, where entrepreneurial activity plays a central role in the formation of private property. The article delves into the legal foundations of private property rights, particularly under the Civil Code, identifying various methods through which citizens can acquire property—such as labor activities, entrepreneurship, privatization, inheritance, and other lawful means. The legal recognition of ownership is fundamental to civil law, as it underpins the relationships within society regarding property. Furthermore, the article highlights constitutional and international recognition of the right to property, noting its status as a natural human right. Overall, this article provides an insightful examination of how citizens' private property rights are structured and exercised within a legal system, with an emphasis on the economic and legal principles that support property ownership, use, and disposal in a modern market society.
This article provides a comprehensive analysis of citizens' private property rights, focusing on the sources, forms, and essential legal elements that constitute these rights. It discusses the modern dynamics of property acquisition in a market-driven economy, where entrepreneurial activity plays a central role in the formation of private property. The article delves into the legal foundations of private property rights, particularly under the Civil Code, identifying various methods through which citizens can acquire property—such as labor activities, entrepreneurship, privatization, inheritance, and other lawful means. The legal recognition of ownership is fundamental to civil law, as it underpins the relationships within society regarding property. Furthermore, the article highlights constitutional and international recognition of the right to property, noting its status as a natural human right. Overall, this article provides an insightful examination of how citizens' private property rights are structured and exercised within a legal system, with an emphasis on the economic and legal principles that support property ownership, use, and disposal in a modern market society.
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Safarov U.X. | judge | Kokand on civil affairs |
№ | Havola nomi |
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