One-dimensional hemodynamic models have proven themselves well in the study of global blood flow in the human body in normal and pathological conditions. One of the key issues of successful modelling using one-dimensional models is taking into account the elastic properties of the walls of blood vessels. This work is devoted to the comparative analysis of various mathematical descriptions of the elastic properties of vascular walls in modern models of one-dimensional hemodynamics. Approaches to modelling blood flow using one-dimensional network models. They have developed successfully in recent decades. This class of models has proven itself well in the study of global blood flow in the human body, solving problems of the transport of substances by blood, features of hemodynamics in pathological changes in the body. The physiological aspects related to neuroregulation of vascular tone are considered. Models of the transport of substances and blood flow under gravitational overloads have been constructed, and several variants of the equations of state describing the elasticity of vascular walls have been studied. The modelling of the walls of the elasticity of blood vessels is one of the key issues of successful hemodynamic modelling using one-dimensional models. To date, there are several mathematical formulations. Despite the differences, they are used successfully not only for qualitative, but also for quantitative individualised hemodynamic calculations. This work is devoted to the comparative analysis of various mathematical descriptions of the elastic properties of vascular walls in modern one-dimensional models of hemodynamics, and the pressure is considered using daily monitoring.

  • O'qishlar soni 47
  • Nashr sanasi 05-01-2025
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar7-17

One-dimensional hemodynamic models have proven themselves well in the study of global blood flow in the human body in normal and pathological conditions. One of the key issues of successful modelling using one-dimensional models is taking into account the elastic properties of the walls of blood vessels. This work is devoted to the comparative analysis of various mathematical descriptions of the elastic properties of vascular walls in modern models of one-dimensional hemodynamics. Approaches to modelling blood flow using one-dimensional network models. They have developed successfully in recent decades. This class of models has proven itself well in the study of global blood flow in the human body, solving problems of the transport of substances by blood, features of hemodynamics in pathological changes in the body. The physiological aspects related to neuroregulation of vascular tone are considered. Models of the transport of substances and blood flow under gravitational overloads have been constructed, and several variants of the equations of state describing the elasticity of vascular walls have been studied. The modelling of the walls of the elasticity of blood vessels is one of the key issues of successful hemodynamic modelling using one-dimensional models. To date, there are several mathematical formulations. Despite the differences, they are used successfully not only for qualitative, but also for quantitative individualised hemodynamic calculations. This work is devoted to the comparative analysis of various mathematical descriptions of the elastic properties of vascular walls in modern one-dimensional models of hemodynamics, and the pressure is considered using daily monitoring.

Havola nomi
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