This article analyzes the development of the tourism industry, starting from the earliest times, in stages. For this purpose, the most developed points of the world in ancient times were studied, like Mesopotamia, the Nile and Indus valleys, China, ancient Greece and Rome. The historical state of tourism in each of these countries was studied and compared. In addition, factors that directly and indirectly influenced the development of tourism in ancient times were studied. Key innovations that have made a significant contribution to the development of tourism and society were also considered a relevant topic.
This article analyzes the development of the tourism industry, starting from the earliest times, in stages. For this purpose, the most developed points of the world in ancient times were studied, like Mesopotamia, the Nile and Indus valleys, China, ancient Greece and Rome. The historical state of tourism in each of these countries was studied and compared. In addition, factors that directly and indirectly influenced the development of tourism in ancient times were studied. Key innovations that have made a significant contribution to the development of tourism and society were also considered a relevant topic.
Ushbu maqolada turizm industriyasining rivojlanishi eng qadimgi davrlardan boshlab, bosqichma-bosqich tahlil qilinadi. Shu maqsadda Mesopotamiya, Nil va Hind vodiylari, Xitoy, Qadimgi Yunoniston va Rim kabi qadimgi davrlarda dunyoning eng rivojlangan nuqtalari o'rganilgan. Bu mamlakatlarning har birida turizmning tarixiy holati o‘rganildi va qiyoslandi. Bundan tashqari, qadimgi davrlarda turizmning rivojlanishiga bevosita va bilvosita ta’sir ko‘rsatgan omillar o‘rganildi. Turizm va jamiyat rivojiga katta hissa qo‘shgan asosiy yangiliklar ham dolzarb mavzu sifatida ko‘rildi
В данной статье анализируется развитие туристической отрасли, начиная с древнейших времен, поэтапно. Для этого были изучены наиболее развитые точки мира в древности, такие как Месопотамия, долины Нила и Инда, Китай, Древняя Греция и Рим. Было изучено и сравнено историческое состояние туризма в каждой из этих стран. Кроме того, были изучены факторы, которые прямо и косвенно влияли на развитие туризма в древности. Также были рассмотрены актуальные темы ключевых инноваций, которые внесли значительный вклад в развитие туризма и общества.
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Umarova M.Y. | - | “Ipak yo‘li” turizm va madaniy meros xalqaro universiteti |
2 | Orinova .Y. | - | Samarqand iqtisodiyot va servis instituti |
№ | Havola nomi |
1 | David Weaver and Laura Lawton (2014) “Tourism Management” Fifth edition. |
2 | Marcello M. Mariani , Wojciech Czakon, Dimitrios Buhalis , and Ourania Vitouladiti (2016). “Tourism Management, Marketing and Development”. |
3 | Stephen J. Page. (2019) Tourism Management, Managing for change. Sixth edition. |
4 | Tuxliyev I.S., Abduhamidov S.A. (2021) “Turizm nazariya va amaliyot” darslik. |
5 | file:///C:/Users/Professional/Desktop/Tourism%20Management/Tourism%20m%20anagement_weaver.pdf |
6 | file:///C:/Users/Professional/Desktop/Tourism%20Management/Tourism%20management,%20marketing%20and%20development.pdf |
7 | file:///C:/Users/Professional/Desktop/Tourism%20Management/Tourism%20management_Book.pdf |