The renowned linguist Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Maydaniis the author of numerous works on Arabic grammar, jurisprudence, and literature. This article provides information about some of the scholar’s works. It discusses his contributions to linguistics, including Majma‘ al-Amthal, Al-Sāmī fī al-Asāmī, Kitāb al-Hādī wa al-Shādī, Baḥth ‘an Binā’ al-Jam‘ wa al-Ḥurūf, Risā’il Naḥwiyya Ṣaghīra, and Nuzhat al-Ṭarf fī ‘Ilm al-Ṣarf.

  • O'qishlar soni 37
  • Nashr sanasi 05-01-2025
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar199-203

The renowned linguist Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Maydaniis the author of numerous works on Arabic grammar, jurisprudence, and literature. This article provides information about some of the scholar’s works. It discusses his contributions to linguistics, including Majma‘ al-Amthal, Al-Sāmī fī al-Asāmī, Kitāb al-Hādī wa al-Shādī, Baḥth ‘an Binā’ al-Jam‘ wa al-Ḥurūf, Risā’il Naḥwiyya Ṣaghīra, and Nuzhat al-Ṭarf fī ‘Ilm al-Ṣarf.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Yakubova F. . Head teacher Oriental Non-State University
Havola nomi
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