The psychological characteristics that can lead to disturbances in the interaction of elderly people with the social environment are described. The need to study various personality changes in this contingent is substantiated. Objectification of cognitivecharacteristics is possible with a dynamic assessment of indicators with the exclusion of factors of somatic asthenia, depression, as well as with teaching an elderly person the effective use of intellectual resources, control of vegetative dysfunctions, and emotional stabilization. The use of psychorehabilitation technologies (cognitive activation and increased emotional stability within the framework of cognitive training, physical activation technology) will allow older people to maintain their mental health.
The psychological characteristics that can lead to disturbances in the interaction of elderly people with the social environment are described. The need to study various personality changes in this contingent is substantiated. Objectification of cognitivecharacteristics is possible with a dynamic assessment of indicators with the exclusion of factors of somatic asthenia, depression, as well as with teaching an elderly person the effective use of intellectual resources, control of vegetative dysfunctions, and emotional stabilization. The use of psychorehabilitation technologies (cognitive activation and increased emotional stability within the framework of cognitive training, physical activation technology) will allow older people to maintain their mental health.
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Qosimova G.Y. | ! | Central Asian Medical University |
№ | Havola nomi |
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