The article presents a mathematical model and a developed algorithm for numerical studies on the selection of rational parameters of a modernized coil spring for axle box spring suspension of high-speed electric trains, the design of which is protected by patent of the Republic of Uzbekistan for invention No. IAP 05219 [1]
The article presents a mathematical model and a developed algorithm for numerical studies on the selection of rational parameters of a modernized coil spring for axle box spring suspension of high-speed electric trains, the design of which is protected by patent of the Republic of Uzbekistan for invention No. IAP 05219 [1]
№ | Muallifning F.I.Sh. | Lavozimi | Tashkilot nomi |
1 | Kamalov I.S. | associate professor | State Transport University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent |
2 | Khromova G.A. | doctor tech. sciences, professor | State Transport University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent |
3 | Omonov S. . | master’s student | State Transport University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent |
№ | Havola nomi |
1 | 1.Глущенко А.Д., Хромова Г.А., Мохаммед Исса Махмуд Ахмад. Упругий элемент. Патент Республики Узбекистан на изобретение No IAP 05219, опубл. 28.06.2002 г., Бюл. No 3.2.Ибрагимов М.А. Совершенствование конструкции рессорного подвешивания локомотивов. Винтовые цилиндрические пружины: монография. / М.А. Ибрагимов.-МИИТ, 2010.-127 с.3.Branislav Titurus, Jonathan du Bois, Nick Lieven, Robert Hansford. A method for the identification of hydraulic damper characteristics from steady velocity inputs. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,2010, 24, (8), pp. 2868–2887. (2010). 4.Timoshenko S. P.Strength of Materials: Part II –Advanced Theory and Problems. -СПб.: Издательство «Лань», 2002. -672 c.5.Khromova G. A., Mukhamedova Z. G., YutkinaI. S. Optimization of dynamic characteristics of emergency recovery rail service cars. / Monograph. ISBN 978-9943-975-96-6. -Tashkent: “Fan va tekhnologiya”, 2016. -253 p.6.Khromova G., Makhamadalieva M. and Khromov S. Generalized dynamic model of hydrodynamic vibration dampener subject to viscous damping. E3S Web of Conferences, EDP Sciences 264(2021), 05029. G., Kamalov I. and MakhamadalievaM. Development of a methodology for solving the equations of bending vibrations of the hydro friction damper of the electric train of disk type. AIP Conference Proceedings,2656(1) (2022). G. A., Makhamadalieva M. A. Development of a mathematical model to justify rational parameters of the spring suspension of the high-speed electric train Afrosiab. // Universum: технические науки : электрон. научн. журн.2022. 10(103). URL: https://7universum. com/ru/tech/archive/item/14404 |