Somatic phraseologisms, which are fixed expressions involving body-related metaphors, play a significant role in reflecting the cultural norms and values of contemporary German society. These idioms encapsulate collective experiences, social attitudes, and traditional beliefs, offering insights into how emotions, authority, and interpersonal relationships are perceived in the German-speaking world. This article explores the linguistic functions of somatic phraseologisms, their role in shaping communication, and their evolution in response to societal changes. By analyzing common expressions and their meanings, the study highlights the deep-rooted connection between language and culture, emphasizing the importance of phraseology in understanding national identity and value systems. Additionally, the research examines how globalization and digital communication impact the usage and transformation of these expressions in modern contexts

  • O'qishlar soni 9
  • Nashr sanasi 08-03-2025
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar 78-81

Somatic phraseologisms, which are fixed expressions involving body-related metaphors, play a significant role in reflecting the cultural norms and values of contemporary German society. These idioms encapsulate collective experiences, social attitudes, and traditional beliefs, offering insights into how emotions, authority, and interpersonal relationships are perceived in the German-speaking world. This article explores the linguistic functions of somatic phraseologisms, their role in shaping communication, and their evolution in response to societal changes. By analyzing common expressions and their meanings, the study highlights the deep-rooted connection between language and culture, emphasizing the importance of phraseology in understanding national identity and value systems. Additionally, the research examines how globalization and digital communication impact the usage and transformation of these expressions in modern contexts

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Bakbergenov A.E. Master's student Karakalpak State university
Havola nomi
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