Clearing – a procedure offset mutual debts between enterprises and organizations. There are special clearing service,
which extinguishes the mutual debts. The implementation of the clearing task consists of two stages: the first stage is
defined by the closed contour - the path of the payment orders; the second stage - optimizing the sequence of their
execution. The article deals with the first phase of the clearing task.
Existing schemes of constructing paths algorithms in networks carried out mainly by the search-back, so multidimensional
search through closed contours directed graphs take quite a long time, even on modern computers.
Therefore, a way out could be the exclusion from the list of payment orders does not participate in closed contours and
thus significantly reduce their construction. In the article the algorithm of removing branches and roots oriented graphs
and numerical example of the application of the algorithm.

  • O'qishlar soni 1200
  • Nashr sanasi 09-09-2016
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar6-9

Clearing – a procedure offset mutual debts between enterprises and organizations. There are special clearing service,
which extinguishes the mutual debts. The implementation of the clearing task consists of two stages: the first stage is
defined by the closed contour - the path of the payment orders; the second stage - optimizing the sequence of their
execution. The article deals with the first phase of the clearing task.
Existing schemes of constructing paths algorithms in networks carried out mainly by the search-back, so multidimensional
search through closed contours directed graphs take quite a long time, even on modern computers.
Therefore, a way out could be the exclusion from the list of payment orders does not participate in closed contours and
thus significantly reduce their construction. In the article the algorithm of removing branches and roots oriented graphs
and numerical example of the application of the algorithm.


Клиринг – это процедура зачета взаимной задолженности между предприятиями и организациями. Существуют
специальные клиринговые службы, которые погашают взаимные задолженности. Реализация задачи клиринга
состоит из двух этапов: на первом определяются замкнутые схемы – пути прохождения платежных поручений;
на втором – оптимизация последовательности их выполнения. В статье рассматривается первый этап
реализации задачи клиринга.
Существующие алгоритмы построения путей (схем) в сетях осуществляются. в основном. методом поиска с
возвратом, поэтому в многоразмерных ориентированных графах поиски путей замкнутых схем занимают
достаточно продолжительное время даже на современных ЭВМ. Поэтому выходом из положения может стать
исключение из списка платежных поручений, не учавствующих в замкнутых схемах и, таким образом.
существенно сократить их построения. Также разработан алгоритм удаления ветвей и корней ориентированных
графов и приводится численный пример применения алгоритма.


Kliring – bu korxona va tashkilotlar o’rtasida o’zaro qarzdorlikni so’ndirish protsedurasidir. O’zaro qarzdorliklarni
so’ndirishning kliring xizmatlarini ko’rsatuvchi maxsus tashkilotlar mavjud. Kliring masalasini hal qilish ikki
bosqichdan iborat: birinchi bosqichda yopiq konturlar – to’lov topshiriqnomalari yopiq sxemasi aniqlanadi; ikkinchi
bosqichda – to’lov topshiriqnomalari bajarilish ketma-ketligi optimallashtiriladi. Maqolada kliring masalasini hal
qilishning birinchi bosqichi ko’rilgan.
Tarmoqlarda yo’llarni qurishning mavjud algoritmlari asosan orqaga qaytib qidirish usuli bilan amalga oshiriladi,
shuning uchun hatokki zamonaviy EHM larda ham ko’p o’lchovli yo’naltirilgan graflarda yopiq sxemalarni qurish
etarlicha ko’p vaqt oladi. Bu holatdan chiqishning yagona yo’li to’lov topshiriqnomalari ro’yxatidan yopiq konturlarda
qatnashmaydigan elementlarni chiqarib tashlab, masalani o’lchamini qisqartirishdir. Maqolada yo’naltirilgan graflarni
ildiz va shox elementlarini chiqarib tashlash algoritmi hamda algoritm qo’llanilishiga doir sonli misol keltirilgan.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Abdugafarov A.. doctor of economical sciences, professor, head researcher at the Center for Development of Software products and Hardware-Software Systems Tashkent University of Information Technologies
Havola nomi
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