This article is devoted to the study of English idioms with flora component, their meaning and use in speech. The aim of the work is to define the concept of "idioms", the history of idioms with the component of flora, centuries-old human observations of the world of flora and the attitude of people to this area of reality. The article also reveals the peculiarities of English idioms with flora component important for translation and considers the problem of adequacy and equivalence in translation, as well as the ways of translation of English idioms into Uzbek. The present article is devoted to investigation of idioms with the component of the flora, their importance and use in speech. The aim of the work is to define the concept of "idiom". The history of occurrence of idioms with flora component is considered. Identify the features of idioms that are important for translation and methods of translation of English idiom with the component flora.
Ушбу мақола флора компонентига эга бўлган инглиз идиомаларининг мазмуни ва уларни нутқдаги аҳамиятини ўрганишга бағишланган. Мақоланиниг мақсади флора компонентига эга бўлган инглиз идомаларининг моҳияти ва келиб чиқиш тарихини ўрганиш ва флора дунёсининг кўп асрлик инсон томонида кузатилиши ва унга муносабатини кўриб чиқишдан иборат. Шунингдек, мақолада флора компонентига эга бўлган инглиз идиомаларининг ўзбек тилига таржима қилиш жараёнидаги муҳим жиҳатлари, айниқса, таржимада адекватлик ва эквалентлик муаммоси ҳамда таржима қилиш усуллари кўриб чиқилган.
Cтатья посвящена изучению английских идиом с компонентом флора, их значениюи употреблениюв речи. Целью работы является определение понятия идиом а, история идиом с компонентом флора, многовековые наблюдения человека за миром флоры и отношение людей к этой области действительности. В статье также раскрываются особенности перевода английских идиом с компонентом флора, рассматривается проблема адекватности и эквивалентности в переводе испособы перевода английских идиом на узбекский язык.
This article is devoted to the study of English idioms with flora component, their meaning and use in speech. The aim of the work is to define the concept of "idioms", the history of idioms with the component of flora, centuries-old human observations of the world of flora and the attitude of people to this area of reality. The article also reveals the peculiarities of English idioms with flora component important for translation and considers the problem of adequacy and equivalence in translation, as well as the ways of translation of English idioms into Uzbek. The present article is devoted to investigation of idioms with the component of the flora, their importance and use in speech. The aim of the work is to define the concept of "idiom". The history of occurrence of idioms with flora component is considered. Identify the features of idioms that are important for translation and methods of translation of English idiom with the component flora.
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