This  article  describes  the  emergence  and  development  of 
communication services in ancient times in Khorezm, northwest of Uzbekistan. 

  • O'qishlar soni 291
  • Nashr sanasi 01-01-2019
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar45

Мазкур  мақолада  Ўзбекистоннинг  шимоли-ғарбида 
жойлашган Хоразмда алоқа хизматининг қадимги даврларда  пайдо бўлиши ва 
унинг  ўзига  хос  тарзда  ривожланиб  тараққий  этиб  бориши  ўз  ифодасини 


В данной статье рассмотрены своеобразные возникновение 
и развитие услуги связи Хорезма из древных времен расположенного северо- 
западного региона Узбекистана. 


This  article  describes  the  emergence  and  development  of 
communication services in ancient times in Khorezm, northwest of Uzbekistan. 

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Yusupov I.S. Lecturer, Urganch branch of Tashkent University of Information Technology named after Muhammad al-Khorezmi TATU
Havola nomi
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2 Muminov A. Uzbekistan – towards the Information Society. – Т.:Turon ground floor, 2013. – P. 5.
3 Mukhammadiev U (Fast Communication). – Т.: Fan, 2000. – P. 4.
4 Tolstov S. P. Looking for Ancient Khorezmian Culture. – Т.: Fan, 1964. ‒ P. 78-82.
5 Juraev L.N., Mamatqulov G.P., Ahtamov B.I. Modern Postal Service. Educational manual. – Т.: 2016. – P. 13.
6 Bartold V.V. History of Turkestan. – Т., 1922. – P. 14-19.
7 Yaqubovsky A.Yu. Feudal Society of Central Asia and its Trade with the Eastern Europe in 10th-15th centuries Part 1. – L: 1932, – P. 15.