In this paper looked through the methodology of teaching the subject of history, highlighting historical themes in scientific papers, as well as matters of research methods

  • O'qishlar soni 131
  • Nashr sanasi 01-01-2018
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar53

Ushbu maqolada tarix fanini o`qitishning metodologiyasi, ilmiy maqolada tarihiy mavzularni yoritish va ilmiy tadqiqod usullari to`g`risidagi masalalar yoritiladi.


В этой статье рассмотрена методология преподавания предмета истории, освещающая исторические темы в научных статьях, а также вопросы методов исследования.


In this paper looked through the methodology of teaching the subject of history, highlighting historical themes in scientific papers, as well as matters of research methods

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1 Sheripov U.A. Docent. Candidate of historical sciences Urgench state university “History” faculty
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3 Kumanev B.I. Methodologic problems of historical sciencies “New and contemprory history” 1964, №2