: In cotton ginning cotton processing technologies, the cleaning of raw cotton is a very important process. In the operated purifiers a low purifying effect, in order to increase the cleaning effect, it is required to modernize the working elements of the cleaner. For this, it is necessary to study the process between the serrated drum and the grate. The obtained results can improve the  technology of cleaning machines. Studies have determined the change in the purification process

  • O'qishlar soni 181
  • Nashr sanasi 01-01-2018
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar58

Paxta tozalash korxonalarida paxtani dastlabki ishlash texnologiyasida chigitli paxtani tozalash jarayoni muhim hisoblanadi. Mazkur tozalagichlarning tozalash samaradorligi past bo’lib, tozalagichning ishchi organlarini takomillashtirishni talab etadi.Buning uchun tozalagichning asosiy ishchi organi bo’lgan arrachali baraban va kolosnikli panjara orasidagi jarayonni o’rganish kerak. Оlingan ma’lumotlar bilan tozalagichlarningtozalash samaradorligini oshirish texnologiyasini takomillashtirish mumkin. Izlanishlar asosida tozalash jarayoni o’zgarishi aniqlandi


В хлопкоочистительных предприятиях технологии переработки хлопка очистка хлопка-сырца является очень важным процессом. В эксплуатируемых очистиеллях низкий очистительный эффект, чтобы повысить очисттительный эффект требубуется модернизировать рабочих органов очистителя. Для этого надо изучить процесс между пильчатым барабаном и колосниковой решетки. Полученными результатами можно совершенствовать технологии очистительных машин. Исследованиями определены изменение процесс очистки


: In cotton ginning cotton processing technologies, the cleaning of raw cotton is a very important process. In the operated purifiers a low purifying effect, in order to increase the cleaning effect, it is required to modernize the working elements of the cleaner. For this, it is necessary to study the process between the serrated drum and the grate. The obtained results can improve the  technology of cleaning machines. Studies have determined the change in the purification process

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