This article highlights the importance of qualified staff in the sustainable and successful development of the alcohol industry and the high level of knowledge, experience and experience of the staff in the quality of the alcohol products

  • O'qishlar soni 123
  • Nashr sanasi 01-01-2018
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar34

This article highlights the importance of qualified staff in the sustainable and successful development of the alcohol industry and the high level of knowledge, experience and experience of the staff in the quality of the alcohol products


В этой статье подчеркивается важность квалифицированного персонала для устойчивого и успешного развития алкогольной промышленности и высокий уровень знаний, опыта и опыта персонала в отношении качества алкогольной продукции.


Ushbumaqoladaspirtishlabchiqarishsohasinibarqarorvamuvaff aqiyattlirivojlanishidamalakalikadrlarningmuhimligihamdaspirtmahsulotlarinisif atlibo’lishidaxodimlarningmalakasi, bilimivatajribasiyuqoribo’lishihaqidaso’zyuritladi.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Xudayberganov S.U. student of Faculty of chemical technology Urgench state university. UrDU
Havola nomi
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