For more than 2000 years, the Aral Sea has been the largest closed body of water in Central Asia. Since the second half of the twentieth century, it began to dry. Saving the Aral Sea is the main task of the present generation.

  • O'qishlar soni 209
  • Nashr sanasi 01-01-2018
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar73

Орол денгизи 2000 йилдан ҳам кўп вақт мобайнида Марказий Осиѐнинг энг катта ѐпиқ сув ҳавзаси ҳисобланган. ХХ асрнинг иккинчи ярмидан бошлаб у қурий бошлаган. Орол денгизини сақлаб қолиш хозирги авлоднинг асосий вазифаларидан биридир.


В течении более 2000 лет Аральское море являлось самим большим закрытым водоѐмом Центральной Азии. Со второй половины ХХ века оно стало высыхать. Спасение Аральского моря является основной задачей нынешнего поколения.


For more than 2000 years, the Aral Sea has been the largest closed body of water in Central Asia. Since the second half of the twentieth century, it began to dry. Saving the Aral Sea is the main task of the present generation.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Akhmedov K.K. PhD, Candidate of Technical Sciences Urgench State University
2 Shamuradov A.. Student Urgench State University
Havola nomi
1 The President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the 72-nd session of the UN General Assembly. 19 September 2017.
2 Speech by President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at a meeting of the Council of heads of state-founders of the international Fund for saving the Aral Sea. 25.08.2018, Turkmenbashi. Turkmenistan.
3 Pala K. Salvation of the Aral sea. October 31, 2011: https://rg.ru/2011/10/31/rbth-sea.html
4 Nursultan Nazarbayev commented on the problem of the Aral sea. September 16, 2017: http://www.inform.kz/ru/problemu-aral-skogo-morya-prokommentirovalnursultan-nazarbaev_a3065736
5 Official website of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan https://mfa.uz/ru/cooperation/aral/1404/
6 Sazonova E. how to save the Northern part of the Aral sea. June 2, 2017: https://thecom/news/razvitie/2017-06-02/aralskoe-more-bolshaya-ryba-vernulas-vbolshoy-prud
7 Dzhikibayev E. 25 difficult years.Achievements of the Aral sea region during the years of independence. 09.2016 год:https://www.caravan.kz/gazeta/25- trudnykh-let-dostizheniya-priaralya-za-gody-nezavisimosti-383104/
8 The first Aral international forum for sustainable development. 30 may-31 may 2017, Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan: http://kyzylordatv.kz/ru/news/society/pervyiaralskii-forum
9 F. Micklin, Aladin N. In. Plotnikov I. S., Smurov A. O., zhakova L. V., Gontar V. I., the Dead C Possible future of the Aral sea and its fauna // Astrakhan Bulletin of ecological education. - №2 (36). Pp. 16-37.
10 Kuznetsov E. A., Zh. a. Abenova the Prospects for recovery of the Aral sea // Bulletin KazNPU. Abai's. - №3. - P. 113-116
11 Hydrobiology of the Aral Sea. Edited by Nikolay V. Aladin et al. Dying and Dead Seas: Climatic vs. Anthropic Causes. NATO Science Series IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 36. Kluwer, 2004.
12 The Aral Sea Disaster. Philip Micklin in Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Vol. 35, pages 47-72; 2007
13 The Young Man and The Sea. Gael Guichard. Steppe Magazine, steppe 3, pages 70-95; winter 2007.