After the conquest of Central Asia by Russia, its ruling circles began to pursue an aggressive policy, appropriating all of its natural and material riches. To achieve these goals, the agenda raises the question of linking the territory of Russia with Central Asia via railways. This article focuses on issues related to the design of the Trans-Caspian Railway, the approval of these projects, the progress of construction by rail between cities, as well as changes in trade links, an increase in the number of goods carried.This article focuses on issues related to the design of the Trans-Caspian Railway, the approval of these projects, the progress of construction by rail between cities, as well as changes in trade links, an increasein the number of goods carried.These informations are presented through archival data and relevant literature

  • O'qishlar soni 257
  • Nashr sanasi 01-01-2018
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar76

Ўрта Осиё ҳудудлари Россия империяси томонидан забт этилгач, Россия империяси ҳукмрон маъмурлари томонидан ушбу ҳудудлардаги ер ости ва ер усти бойликларини ўзлаштириш сиёсати юритилди.Ушбу мақсадни амалга ошириш учун эса Россия ҳудудларини Ўрта Осиё билан темир йўллар орқали боғлаш кун тартибидаги масалага айланади.Ушбу мақолада Каспийорти темир йўлининг қурилиши билан боғлиқ лойиҳалар, уларнинг муҳокамаси, қурилиш ишларининг бориши, шаҳарларнинг темир излар орқали боғланиши ҳамда ички ва ташқи савдо алоқаларидаги ўзгаришлар, юк ташиш ҳажмининг ортиши архив маълумотлари ва адабиётлар орқали очиб берилган.


После завоевания Средней Азии Россией, её правящие круги стали вести захватническую политику, присваивая все её природные и материалные богатства. Для достижения этих целей, на повестку дня ставится вопрос о соединении территории России со Средней Азией посредством железнодорожных путей.В этой статье освящается вопросы, связанные с проектированием Закаспийской железной дороги, утверждением этих проектов,ходом строительства железнодорожным сообщением между городами, а также показаны изменения в торговых связах, увеличением количества перевозимых грузов.Эти сведения представлены посредством архивных данных и соответствующей литературы


After the conquest of Central Asia by Russia, its ruling circles began to pursue an aggressive policy, appropriating all of its natural and material riches. To achieve these goals, the agenda raises the question of linking the territory of Russia with Central Asia via railways. This article focuses on issues related to the design of the Trans-Caspian Railway, the approval of these projects, the progress of construction by rail between cities, as well as changes in trade links, an increase in the number of goods carried.This article focuses on issues related to the design of the Trans-Caspian Railway, the approval of these projects, the progress of construction by rail between cities, as well as changes in trade links, an increasein the number of goods carried.These informations are presented through archival data and relevant literature

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Safarov T.T. “Social subjects” department Dotc Bukhara engineering-technological institute
Havola nomi
1 Ziyoyev H. «Uzbekistan is in the grip of oppression and colonialism» - Tashkent: Sharq, 2006. P. 259-260
2 SCARU I-1 fond, 29-list, 846-work, 26-sheet.
3 1Antipin V.N., Levashev N.N. Guide to the Turkestan Railway: with a historical sketch of the construction and operation of the Transcaspian Railway and an essay on the construction of the Orenburg-Tashkent Railway. V. Berezovskiy, 1903.- p.142