Quality shoes are fundamental to affecting the health of the feet, in particular, when the foot can be subjected to many serious problems, as is the case with diabetes patients. This article identifies, identifies and analyzes the problems of correct design of shoes for people suffering from diabetes, and design features that distinguish orthopedic shoes from other types of shoes.

  • O'qishlar soni 285
  • Nashr sanasi 01-01-2018
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar82

Сифатли пойабзал, жуда кўп муаммоларга дуч келганда, айниқса диабетик товон билан оғриган инсонлар товонинг соғлиғига таъсир кўрсатувчи асос ҳисобланади. Ушбу мақолада қандли диабет билан оғриган инсонлар учун лойихаланган пойабзал билан боғлиқ муаммолар таҳлил қилинган, ҳамда ортопедик пойабзалларни бошқа турдаги пойабзаллардан ажралиб турувчи конструктив хусусиятлари келтирилган


Качественная обувь имеет основополагающее значение для влияния на состояние здоровья ног, в частности, когда нога может быть подвергнута многим серьезным проблемам, как в случае пациентов с диабетом. Данной статье указан, определение и анализы проблем правильного проектирования обуви для людей страдающих от сахарного диабета, и конструктивные особенности, отличающие ортопедическую обувь от прочих разновидностей обуви


Quality shoes are fundamental to affecting the health of the feet, in particular, when the foot can be subjected to many serious problems, as is the case with diabetes patients. This article identifies, identifies and analyzes the problems of correct design of shoes for people suffering from diabetes, and design features that distinguish orthopedic shoes from other types of shoes.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Djuraevich A.J. professor of the department of Theory of machine mechanisms Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry
2 Khaydarov A.A. associate professor of the department of Technology of leather products Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry
3 Muhammedova M.A. PhD student of the department Technologies and equipment Bukhara engineering and technology institute
Havola nomi
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