It's hard to imagine any country which operates well organized foreign trade without logistics opportunities. Either an experienced entrepreneur or a start-up owner in business field, they both have to provide quality services at as a low cost as possible. Because Logistics means, first of all, customer satisfaction. Clients should be informed 24/7 a day about the status of their order. Uzbekistan is twice closed, that is, one of the two countries in the world that have access to the ocean through the territory of two neighboring countries. The most important factor of the attractive geostrategic position of Uzbekistan is the availability of a developed system of transport communications, which practically satisfies the internal transportation needs. The Republic has the highest density of networks of railways and highways in Central Asia. Nevertheless, logistics services are relatively hard and expensive since Uzbekistan has no access to the sea and is far removed from the dominating global markets.

  • O'qishlar soni 143
  • Nashr sanasi 01-01-2019
  • Asosiy tilIngliz
  • Sahifalar493-499

Logistik imkoniyatlarsiz yaxshi tashkil etilgan tashqi savdoni boshqaradigan biron mamlakatni tasavvur qilish qiyin. Tajribali tadbirkor yoki biznes sohasidagi boshlang'ich ish yurituvchi imkon qadar arzon narxlardagi xizmatlar bilan taklif qilishlari kerak. Logistika, birinchi navbatda, mijozlarni qondirishni anglatadi. Xaridorlarga o'zlarining buyurtma statusi to'g'risida kuniga 24 soat ma'lumot berilishi kerak. O'zbekiston ikki marta yopiq davlat hisoblanadi, ya'ni ikki mamlakat qo'shni mamlakatlar hududi orqali okeanga kirish imkoniga ega bo'lgan ikki mamlakatning biri. O'zbekistonning jozibador geostrategik pozitsiyasining eng muhim omili transport kommunikatsiyalari rivojlangan tizimining mavjudligi bo'lib, ular ichki transport ehtiyojlarini deyarli qondiradi. Respublika Markaziy Osiyoda temir yo'llar va avtomobil yo'llari tarmog'ining eng yuqori zichligiga ega. Shunga qaramay, logistika xizmatlari nisbatan qiyin va qimmat, chunki O'zbekiston dengizga chiqa olmaydi va jahon bozorlarining ustunligidan uzoqda.


Трудно представить какую-либо страну, в которой хорошо организована внешняя торговля без логистических возможностей. Будучи либо опытным предпринимателем, либо начинающим владельцем в сфере бизнеса, они оба должны предоставлять качественные услуги по как можно более низкой цене. Ведь логистика - это, прежде всего, удовлетворенность клиентов. Клиенты должны быть проинформированы 24/7 в день о состоянии их заказа. Узбекистан дважды закрыт, то есть одна из двух стран в мире,которые имеют выход к океану через территорию двух соседних стран. Важнейшим фактором привлекательной геостратегической позиции Узбекистана является наличие развитой системы транспортных коммуникаций, которая практически удовлетворяет внутренние транспортные потребности. Республика имеет самую высокую плотность сетей железных и автомобильных дорог в Центральной Азии. Тем не менее, логистические услуги являются относительно сложными и дорогостоящими, поскольку Узбекистан не имеет выхода к морю и далек от доминирующих мировых рынков.


It's hard to imagine any country which operates well organized foreign trade without logistics opportunities. Either an experienced entrepreneur or a start-up owner in business field, they both have to provide quality services at as a low cost as possible. Because Logistics means, first of all, customer satisfaction. Clients should be informed 24/7 a day about the status of their order. Uzbekistan is twice closed, that is, one of the two countries in the world that have access to the ocean through the territory of two neighboring countries. The most important factor of the attractive geostrategic position of Uzbekistan is the availability of a developed system of transport communications, which practically satisfies the internal transportation needs. The Republic has the highest density of networks of railways and highways in Central Asia. Nevertheless, logistics services are relatively hard and expensive since Uzbekistan has no access to the sea and is far removed from the dominating global markets.

Muallifning F.I.Sh. Lavozimi Tashkilot nomi
1 Tulaganova S.. Sophomore student
Havola nomi
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2 Realities and prospects for the development of transport and logistics ", [31.01.2017]
3 Logistics as an important link in the economy, D. Mirzakhalilova [06.03.2013]