
Xasilov Ilxam Narmatovich

  • Science ID:
  • Research ID:
  • ORCID:
  • Phone number
  • IshxonaJizzakh Polytechnic Institute
  • Soha
  • Ko'rishlar soni101

Nashr etilgan maqolalar soni 2
Iqtiboslar 2
Hirsh indeksi 0


Maqolaning nomi Hammualliflar Asosiy til Ko'rishlar O'qishlar
In heat exchange processes, heat conduction and heat radiation. MPTTP Xasilov I.N.,
Carabekova M.Y.
Ingliz 36 36
In heat exchange processes, heat conduction and heat radiation. MPTTP Xasilov I.N.,
Carabekova M.Y.
Ingliz 65 65