Annotation: in studies, the influence of environmental factors and plant species on the development and density of the population of the greenhouse whitefly has been studied. The change in the development of the pest population in the conditions of an average daily air temperature of 33.6°C and a relative humidity of 42% in the Syrdarya region and a temperature of 31.8°C and a relative humidity of 54% in the Tashkent region has been revealed. The highest pest population was observed in the cucurbitaceous culture.

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 26-07-2020
  • Read count 710
  • Date of publication 25-05-2020
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages40-41

Аннотация: в исследованиях изучена влияние экологических факторов и видов растений на развитие и плотность популяции тепличного белокрылки. Выявлено изменение развитие популяция вредителя в условиях среднесуточной температуре воздуха 33.6°C и относительной влажности воздуха 42 % в Сырдарьинской области а также 31.8°C температуры воздуха и 54 % относительной, влажности воздуха в Ташкентской области. Самая высокая численность популяция вредителя наблюдалось в культуре тыквенных.


Annotation: in studies, the influence of environmental factors and plant species on the development and density of the population of the greenhouse whitefly has been studied. The change in the development of the pest population in the conditions of an average daily air temperature of 33.6°C and a relative humidity of 42% in the Syrdarya region and a temperature of 31.8°C and a relative humidity of 54% in the Tashkent region has been revealed. The highest pest population was observed in the cucurbitaceous culture.

Author name position Name of organisation
Name of reference
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