• Name of journal
  • Number of edition
  • View count 175
  • Web Address
  • DOIdoi.org/10.47100/conference_physics/S2_24
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 20-08-2020
  • Read count 73
  • Date of publication
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages152-156

Измерены значения коэффициентов линейного поглощения гамма – излучения 60Со и 137Сs для тройных полупроводниковых аналогов (TlGaS2, TlInS2, TlGaSe2, TlInSe2) в зависимости от угла φ между плоскостями скола и направлением излучения. При углах φ = 90о значения μ превышающих их для углов φ = 0о приблизительно на 20 – 40%..


γ – absorption anisotropy is proved experimentally in А IIIВ IIIC VI 2 type layered semiconductors and their complex analogues, which appears to be due to reticular (nuclear) density differences in different crystallographic directions. Linear 60Со and 137Сs gamma – absorption coefficients are measured for their triple ternary (TlGaS2, TlInS2, TlGaSe2, TlInSe2) analogues in relation to φ angle between planes and radiation direction μ values at φ = 90o prevail over those at φ = 0 o by about 20 – 40%.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Umarov S..
2 Kerimova E..
3 Ashurov J..
4 Khodjayev U..
Name of reference
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