• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 14-09-2020
  • Read count 634
  • Date of publication 18-03-2020
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages33-34

In article data about influence of processing of seeds of pulseses (soybean, string bean, mung bean) crops cultivated as repeated crops after winter wheat influence of inoculation by nitrogin and the brought norms of mineral fertilizers on a content of microorganisms in ground are cited.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Usmonova D.. катта илмий ТошДАУ
2 Iminov A.. қ.х.ф.н., доцент ТошДАУ
3 Karimov S.. катта илмий ходим ПСУЕАИТИ
Name of reference
1 1.Халиқов Б.М. “Янги алмашлаб экиш тизимлари ва тупроқ унумдорлиги”. Тошкент, 2010. 118 б.
2 2. Халиқов Б.М., Намозов Ф.Б. “Алмашлаб экишнинг илмий асослари” Тошкент. 2016. 222 б.
3 3. Дала тажрибаларини ўтказиш услублари. ЎзПИТИ, Т, 2007, 147 б.