• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 03-10-2020
  • Read count 335
  • Date of publication 13-07-2020
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages20-21

This article presents data on the analysis of the yield, weight of 1000 grains and test weight of grain durum wheat varieties and lines of strain-testing nursery intended for under irrigated conditions, and also refers to the productive elements and recommendations for the introduction of varieties of durum wheat «Musaffo» intended for cultivation in irrigated zones of the Republic

Name of reference
1 1. Ш.Дилмуродов, О.Аманов, Д.Жўраев. “Қаттиқ буғдойнинг “Лангар” нави уруғчилигини кенгайтириш” // “Агро илм”. №1. 2019 й. 13-б.
2 2. Абдукаримов Д.Т. Сафаров Т. Останақулов Т.Э. Дала экинлари селекцияси, уруғчилиги ва генетика асослари // Тошкент: “Меҳнат”. 1989 й. 305 б.
3 3. Ш.Дилмуродов, А.Мейлиев, Н.Қаюмов. “Суғориладиган майдонлар учун қаттиқ буғдойнинг дон сифати юқори тизмаларини танлаш”. // “Агро илм”. №2. 2019 й. 19-20-б.