• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 09-10-2020
  • Read count 447
  • Date of publication 04-09-2020
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages44-46

Currently, the propagation of trees and plants by the in vitro method is a requirement of the time, since this method allows you to grow numerous seedlings in small areas. By creating technology for growing orchids, this method achieves economic efficiency in floriculture in the Namangan region. Based on the achievements in the field of cell and tissue culture, a new method of vegetative propagation of plants was developed - clonal micropropagation (asexual reproduction of plants in vitro (in solution), genetically identical to the original). 

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Abdullayeva A.Z. талаба НамМТИ
2 Misirova S.. доцент НамМТИ
3 Kamalov A.. талаба НамМТИ
4 Xaydarova M.. талаба НамМТИ
Name of reference
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