• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 09-10-2020
  • Read count 266
  • Date of publication 03-09-2020
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages53-55

Tilapia fish, which is an important object in the field of intensive aquaculture, had been brought to the Fisheries Research Institute. Scientists of the institute conducted research on feeding these fish in local conditions. According to the results of the research, the initial weight of the fish was 171.9 grams, and the fish weighed an average of 558.3 ​​grams in end research. During the 120-day experiment, the average weight gain of fish was 386.5 grams. It has been found that the use of foods produced for carp fish by a local mixed feed manufacturer has a positive effect on fish feeding.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Qurbonov A.. (PhD),директор БИТИ
2 Ubaydullayev O.. магистр ЎзМУ
Name of reference
1 1. Adam Travis, A Guide to Grow Tilapia Fish for Starting a Small ScaleBusiness, Farming Method- The Modern Farmers Blog.2018.
2 2. А.В. Жигин, Выращивание тиляпии в индустриальной аквакультуре. 2005. С. 27.
3 3. А.С.Пырсиков, В.А.Власов, А.О.Ревякин, Выращивание нильской тиляпии (Tilapia Niloticus) на комбикорме с добавкой “Метаболит плюс”, “Рыбное хозяйство”, №1. 2017. С.127-135.
4 4. Привезенцев Ю.А., Тиляпии (систематика, биология, хозяйственное использование), Москва, 2008. С. 81.
5 5. Fred Hanley, A Guide to the farming of tilapia, Jamaica Broilers Group of Companies, 2005. P. 26.