• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 09-10-2020
  • Read count 197
  • Date of publication 11-11-2019
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages17-18

The article outlines materials on the distribution, production of carrot species and their nutritional medicinal properties.  Produced data on the volume of carrot production in the world.

Name of reference
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2 2. WHO/ FAO, 2011. Food and Health Innovation Servise. Root vedetables A review of their potential health benefits of some types common to Scotlahd December 2011. 28p.
3 4. Center of Nutrition, Diet and Health, 2012
4 5. Зуев В.И, Р.Ф.Мавлянова, С.И.Дусмуратова и др. Семейства зонточные. В кн. Овощи – это пища и лекарство. Ташкент, 2015. Изд-во “Навруз”.