This paper discusses the equilibrium equations of flexible circular plates under the action of uniformly distributed loads. We will use the known equations of equilibrium of the plate in curved coordinates. Equation equilibrium of flexible circular plates through forces and cutting forces is obtained. By substituting these expressions into the resulting equations and entering a dimensionless value, a system of quasi-linear differential equations is obtained. To solve the system equation under the given boundary condition we use central difference formulas, approximating derivatives with second-order accuracy to the place of quasi-linear systems of differential equations obtaining systems of quasi-linear algebraic equations. The predetermined edge conditions of the flexible circular plates are reduced to a differential form which can be written in matrix form. To solve a system of quasi-linear algebraic equations, an implicit iterative process is applied in combination with the Gauss exclusion method. The obtained results are given in the form of graphs.
№ | Author name | position | Name of organisation |
1 | Yo'ldoshev A.. | dotsent | TDTU |
2 | Nikolaeva E.A. | Кузбасского государственного технического университета имени Т. Ф. Горбачева | |
3 | Pirmatov S.T. | dotsent | TDTU |
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