• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 16-10-2020
  • Read count 392
  • Date of publication 20-06-2020
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages51-58

This article deals with the problem of Municipal solid waste (MSW) in the Republic of Uzbekistan. In the process of research, the methods for the disposal of MSW that are still used in the country, such as incineration and disposal at landfills, were examined. For the necessity to implement innovations in the work of handling MSW, the basic morphological composition of MSW in the winter, spring, summer and autumn seasonal periods was researched. Based on the results obtained, an innovative direction is proposed for the processing of MSW into secondary raw materials in order to solve the problems of resource savings and jointly with the solution of environmental and economic problems of the republic. To solve the problem of waste management, an innovative technology has been proposed for the transition from landfills to waste recycling plants.  

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Ponamaryova T.V. студент TDTU
2 Turabdzhanov S.M. professor TDTU
3 Rahmatullaev F.N. старший преподавател TDTU
4 Abdullaev U.S. главный специалист Государственного комитета Экологии и охрана окружающей среды
5 Rahimova L.S. dotsent TDTU
Name of reference
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5 Rakhmatullayev, F.N.; Abdullayev, U.S.; Turabjanov, S.M.; Ponamaryova, T.V.; Rakhimova, L.S. (in Russian) // Ecological aspects of domestic solid waste management // VIII All-Russian conference "Actual issues of chemical technology and environmental protection". Cheboksary. April 16-17, 2020.
6 Methodical recommendations for determining the morphological composition of solid domestic waste, approved by the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine by order dated 16.02.2010 N39.