• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 21-10-2020
  • Read count 305
  • Date of publication 20-06-2020
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages142-148

The article discusses the development of a project for organizing the working cycle of a diesel engine using СН3ОН as a fuel – the use of combined mixing (CSM), in which СН3ОН is fed at the inlet in a mixture with an air charge and ignited by a burning torch of diesel fuel injected into the cylinder.

The method of influence of output indicators of diesel when working with combined mixing is given. Combined mixing allows you to significantly reduce the emissions of toxic substances into the atmosphere, and save money with minor reductions in power indicators. The value of the study is that diesel engines allow you to get an objective idea of the implementation of the system in production for its subsequent improvement. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, which include carbon dioxide CO2, as well as the requirements for limiting the emissions of toxic substances CO, CH, NOx in the exhaust gases of modern internal combustion engines of modern and promising transport. Emissions and the ratio of the number of hydrogen atoms to carbon in the fuel have been proved. Measures that reduce the process of harmful emissions into the atmosphere by vehicles are presented, methods and means of increasing the possible share of methanol СН3ОН in mixed fuel are noted.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Mirzaev A.A. assistent TDTU
2 Tillyahodjayev R.R. o'qituvchi TDTU
Name of reference
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