Studied the structure of the bush of camel spines willows, the effect of carbamide suspension on licorice in the flowering phase with a rate of 50 kg / ha. The productivity of the plant increased in 2019-2020 to 41% of licorice and to 39% of Аlhagi psedoalhagi. The yield of licorice naked by the phases of its development, the content of protein, clotting, as well as the aftermath of plants and the type of pastures were determined. The use of the suspension increased the yield of licorice and Аlhagi psedoalhagi hay for 2 cuttings by 70-129% in comparison with uncut hay. The use of a suspension of carbamide on licorice bare profitability was 30% and camel thorns 36.5%

  • Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 10-11-2020
  • Read count 1081
  • Date of publication 29-10-2020
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages55-56

Изучена структура куста верблюжьей колючки и влияние карбамидной суспензии на солодки голой в фазе цветения нормой 50 кг/га. В 2019-2020 году повысилась продуктивность солодки голой до 41% и янтака до 39%. Определены урожайность солодки голой по фазам ее развития, содержание протеина и клетчатки. Применение суспензии повысило урожайность сена солодки и янтака за 2 укоса на 70-129%  по сравнению с нескошенным. При применении суспензии карбамида на солодки голой рентабельность составила 30% и верблюжьей колючки 36,5%.


Studied the structure of the bush of camel spines willows, the effect of carbamide suspension on licorice in the flowering phase with a rate of 50 kg / ha. The productivity of the plant increased in 2019-2020 to 41% of licorice and to 39% of Аlhagi psedoalhagi. The yield of licorice naked by the phases of its development, the content of protein, clotting, as well as the aftermath of plants and the type of pastures were determined. The use of the suspension increased the yield of licorice and Аlhagi psedoalhagi hay for 2 cuttings by 70-129% in comparison with uncut hay. The use of a suspension of carbamide on licorice bare profitability was 30% and camel thorns 36.5%

Name of reference
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