• Web Address
  • DOI
  • Date of creation in the UzSCI system 10-11-2020
  • Read count 754
  • Date of publication 29-10-2020
  • Main LanguageO'zbek
  • Pages64-65

This article analyzes the process of siltation of a reservoir using the example of the Chartak reservoir based on long-term data and field studies. To determine the degree of siltation from the river bed of the research object, water samples were taken and analysis was carried out. Based on the data obtained, the amount of muddy sediments entering the reservoir along with natural runoff was determined. Conclusions are given on the influence of research results on the effectiveness of the reservoir operating mode, reduction in usable volume, change in water level, as well as their impact on adverse effects. In addition, conclusions were drawn that at the present time in the Chartak reservoir there is a decrease in the amount of turbid deposits, as well as in the near future, the useful volume of the structure and the effect of this condition on water consumption.

Author name position Name of organisation
1 Xudoyshukurov Q.. таянч докторант (PhD) ГМИТИ
2 Amirov N.. талаба ТИҚХММИ
3 Otaxonov M.. ассистент ТИҚХММИ
4 Xoshimov S.. докторант ТИҚХММИ
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